Final project meeting – preparing the CoOp resources to be shared with youth organizations and SMEs

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Final project meeting – preparing the CoOp resources to be shared with youth organizations and SMEs

Final project meeting – preparing the CoOp resources to be shared with youth organizations and SMEs
The final project meeting of #CoOp project was held in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, between 21-23 May, 2019. The project Romanian partner Fundatia Danis hosted participants representing partner organization...

Highlights from Skill IT for Youth Training Course

Highlights from Skill IT for Youth Training Course
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]21 youth workers from Ireland, Norway, Poland and Romania were trained on how to provide digital skills enhancing workshops that will support young people to develop essential skills and knowledge required on the labour market. The Skill IT for Youth Training Co...

When photography brings entrepreneurs together

When photography brings entrepreneurs together

Driven by her passions for photography and painting, Alexandra decided to apply to Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme in April 2018. All her life, she has pursued her dream of being a freelance photographer, but she has also wanted to embrace ...

ENPower Conference – new bridges to support young people from Ukraine

ENPower Conference – new bridges to support young people from Ukraine
ENpower conference brought together over 50 relevant stakeholders from private sector, universities, public institutions, youth and student organizations from Ukraine. Throughout the two-day event, we presented the results of the ENPower project, and shared with the p...

Skill IT for Youth partners get ready for the international training

Skill IT for Youth partners get ready for the international training
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Skill IT for Youth team members met again and were very busy working together. The project meeting was held in Warsaw, Poland, on 22nd and 23rd of February 2019. Polish partner, Fundacja Samodzielni Robinsonowie, hosted participants representing partner organizatio...

Highlights from CoOp Fundraising & CSR Training Course

Highlights from CoOp Fundraising & CSR Training Course
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]25 youth workers from Greece, Ireland, Norway, Poland and Romania were trained on how to use fundraising methods and techniques and got guidance on companies’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities, in order to enhance their collaboration with small-med...

ENPower training course – entrepreneurship and internship programs for youth

ENPower training course – entrepreneurship and internship programs for youth
26 youth workers from Ukraine were trained on how to conduct valuable workshops for youth, within ENPower training course, as part of the ENPower project, supported by Erasmus+ Progra...

Coop Project Meeting in Athens – preparing the CSR & Fundraising Training Course

Coop Project Meeting in Athens – preparing the CSR & Fundraising Training Course
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The 4th project meeting of 

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CoOp team met in Warsaw

CoOp team met in Warsaw
The second project meeting of #Co...

CoOp with us! Romania Multiplier Event

CoOp with us! Romania Multiplier Event

12 experts and youth workers from youth organizations, SMEs, multinational companies, local municipality and university participated in the CoOp with us! Romania Multiplier Event. The event was a learning and sharing experience in the field of coop...