Skill IT for Youth team further develops the educational resources for digital youth work

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Skill IT for Youth team further develops the educational resources for digital youth work

Skill IT for Youth team further develops the educational resources for digital youth work
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Skill IT for Youth partners met in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, between 12-13 September 2018, for a project meeting organized for further planning and development of the open educational resources for more and better youth digital work. The project Romanian partner, Fu...

ENPower Workshop – learning about employment and entrepreneurial challenges faced by Ukrainian young people

ENPower Workshop – learning about employment and entrepreneurial challenges faced by Ukrainian young people
ENpower Workshop goal was to gain understanding of Ukrainian context in regards to youth sector and cross sector cooperation for supporting young people. The information and expertise collected during the event was then used in adapting the ENpower training toolkit, t...

ENpower – entrepreneurship education for young people from Ukraine

ENpower – entrepreneurship education for young people from Ukraine
We launched a new project for young people and youth workers from Ukraine! ENPower project takes yourKITE project in Ukraine, and it further develops the entrepreneurship educational resources for young people.

Delivering “fashioned” happiness together

Delivering “fashioned” happiness together
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]László is a young aspiring entrepreneur from Romania who has been involved in entrepreneurial activity since high school. Starting an online store at the age of only 17 enabled him to discover his passion well ahead of time. Zamir sto...

CoOp team continued project work in Dublin

CoOp team continued project work in Dublin
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]The third project meeting of #CoOp project ...

Kick-off meeting of Skill IT for Youth was held in Dublin

Kick-off meeting of Skill IT for Youth was held in Dublin
Kick-off meeting of Skill IT for Youth project was held in Dublin, Ireland, at the end of April 2018. Participants, representing partner organizations, Youth Work Ireland (Ireland), KDYS (Ireland), 

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Kick off meeting of CoOp was held in Oslo

Kick off meeting of CoOp was held in Oslo
Kick off meeting of #CoOp project was held in Oslo, Norway, between 15-22 October, 2017. Participants, representing partner organizations, 

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yourKITE project reached almost 600 young people from Europe

yourKITE project reached almost 600 young people from Europe

yourKITE project reached almost 600 young people from Europe, mainly Norway, Poland and Romania, through the educational tools and resources developed on media and communication, entrepreneurship, volunteering and career counseling. From this group, more than 125 were Romanian young peo...

How Yoda, soap bubbles and shoe interiors meet at a castle up North

How Yoda, soap bubbles and shoe interiors meet at a castle up North
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]This wonderful story was wrote by the amazing two entrepreneurs: Anca Horvath (Romania) and Jérémie Pierre Gay (Denmark). We present it to you with no later edits :), and we are happy that we could contribute to this exchange and support Anca in her endeavour.[/...

“I am ready!” The business journey starts in Italy

“I am ready!” The business journey starts in Italy
“On May 4th 2016, I opened the door to a new office, one that, by that date, had been unknown to me. Later, I would have an experience that I am now able to define as a choice that I would repeat without further ado.” This is how Iulia Ghile started her message to us, talking abou...
