Driven by her passions for photography and painting, Alexandra decided to apply to Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme in April 2018. All her life, she has pursued her dream of being a freelance photographer, but she has also wanted to embrace the pragmatic aspect of a business by channeling her creativity. She has been looking into ways of opening her own studio photography, and she was convinced that an experienced entrepreneur working with both digital and analogue photography would have some answers to all her inquires.
She got in touch with host entrepreneur Alex de Brabant from Berlin, Germany, with support from Fundatia Danis, Romania. Alex is the founder of Yorck Studio, a creative workspace & photo studio in the heart of Berlin, Kreuzberg. Alexandra saw in this collaboration an opportunity to gain some invaluable knowledge of the main functional areas of a business, while also improving her entrepreneurial, communication and social abilities, combined with artistic skills.
During the three-month collaboration, Alex and Alexandra worked together on various projects. She had the chance to become familiar with various aspects connected to managing a professional photo studio, bureaucratic tasks, as well as side activities that would be of great help in running a serene business. She got more skilled in photography techniques, including lighting, retouching, how to use different cameras, etc. She gained experience in addressing customers and meeting their demands.
Alexandra had the opportunity to learn how to use medium-format cameras and to develop a strong understanding of Alex’s business by assisting him and working side by side with him. They shared best practices about photography techniques. Through this experience, she managed to expand her critical and creative skills, which will be useful in recognising prosperous business opportunities and potential future projects.
Berlin’s arts scene stands out worldwide. Cultural projects are funded and supported by different institutions, and she saw in this an opportunity that could directly impact her stay. During those three months, she also attended photography festivals, lectures, and great exhibitions, and got the chance to interact – directly or indirectly – with some of the most important names in photography.

Alexandra, the would-be entrepreneur:
“During the exchange, I was exposed to editorial, commercial, and creative photography in an international environment, which helped me build contacts. It really helped me develop and empower my entrepreneurial mindset, and Alex’s patience and kindness were the cornerstone of the entire experience.”

Alex, the experienced entrepreneur:
„Having assisted myself a photographer for five years, I understand and value the importance of a mentor and mentee exchange: Alexandra’s enthusiasm, professional ambition and passion made her an ideal member of my team. I believe educating a future generations of young photographer is important.”