Media Civic Engagers

Media Civic Engagers

The Media Civic Engagers project aims at increasing youth organizations/youth workers’ capacity and skills in the field of media literacy for young people, for promoting democratic values and inclusion, and increasing young people’s civic engagement. The youth workers will be better equipped to engage, connect and empower young people and transform them into civic engagers, by enhancing their media and civic skills.

In 2021-2023, through Media Civic Engagers we aim to achieve the following results:

  • National and comparative research reports and scientific articles on young people’s civic engagement and youth media participation that youth organizations could use to develop relevant services for young people in the field of media education and civic engagement;
  • A training curriculum on media education and media production tools for civic engagement, used to professionalize the youth workers for better and more media and civic participation projects for young people;
  • A guide for youth organizations on how to support young people to develop their own media projects for more civic engagement;
  • A training toolkit that youth workers could use to provide ready workshops to young people to develop their MIL and civic skills, and transform them into civic engagers;
  • An educational platform that provides educational interactive videos that youth workers can use in their activities with young people to enhance their civic engagement, but also a space for promoting young people’s civic media projects and empowering their participation in the democratic life of the communities.
  • Transnational and local workshops/training courses on media education & civic engagement of young people for at least 125 youth workers and 100 young people.

Fundatia Danis’ partners in this project are: Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (Norway), Norsensus Mediaforum (Norway), FSPAC – Facultatea de Ştiinţe Politice, Administrative şi ale Comunicării (Romania), Mediakasvatusseura (Finland), and University of Helsinki (Finland).

The project is co-funded by the European Commission, through Erasmus+ Programme and Norwegian National Agency – Aktiv Ungdom.