FSPAC students are prepared to face their future jobs after their graduation. The students develop their abilities and skills, badly needed in a future job, but are also ready to start a business, within the project “Vocational counseling, internships and simulated enterprise: an extra chance in finding a job for students following specializations in public administration, communication, public relations and advertising“(HRD / 161 / 2.1 / G / 137 510).
In the internships carried out in public institutions, companies and NGOs, students learn what a job means, how to work in teams, how to adapt to a program and how to apply what they learned in college in actual projects and activities. In the simulated enterprises, students are involved in activities that teach how to set up and operate a business, developing their knowledge and entrepreneurial skills.
“I learned to do a budget of a company. I learned to realize an application. I learned to realize and analyze recruitment and selection policy of the company. Of course, in addition to strictly practice these things, I learned to work in a team, I take responsibility and I gained many skills that can enhance my professional development.” (Student participating in simulated enterprise, extracted from the feedback questionnaire).
The three months activity of the first two virtual businesses was completed in February 2015. The 20 students have provided consulting services and training services, managing to obtain profit from these services and for the companies created.
By the end of the project, at least 60 students will be involved in business FSPAC simulated and another 200 will participate in internships. Danis Foundation is involved in organizing valuable internships for students, as well as providing entrepreneurial education for students in virtual enterprises.
The project “Vocational counseling, internships and simulated enterprise: an extra chance in finding a job for students of specializations public administration and communication, public relations and advertising majors” is implemented by FSPAC in partnership with Danis Foundation during May 2014 -October 2015. and is co-financed by the European Social Fund Operational through the Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, priority Axis 2 “Linking lifelong learning and labor market”, key Area of intervention 2.1 “transition from school to work activate”.
More information can be found on the project website: http://apubb.ro/cpspis/.
For detailed information about other programs financed by the European Union, please visit www.fonduri-ue.ro.
* This report does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Romanian Government.
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