22 FSPAC students – potential entrepreneurs


Another 22 FSPAC students graduated the simulated enterprises programme within the project “Vocational counseling, internships and simulated enterprise: an extra chance in finding a job for students following specializations in public administration, communication, public relations and advertising“(HRD / 161 / 2.1 / G / 137 510) developed by Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences and Danis Foundation.

The students created and managed two businesses that provided consulting and training services. Besides services created and sold on the platform ROCT (www.roct.ro) during the three months of activity at the end of the program, the students had the opportunity to deliver to one another a part of the services they developed: thus, a group organized a teambuilding for the other team, while the latter helped their colleagues with information about how to build a business development plan.

The simulated enterprises have provided for the students knowledge and new skills, and personal development opportunities:

First I learned what a ood organization means, be it a business or any other type of institution. It’s important to have a hierarchy. Secondly, I learned to be responsible and determined in the choices I make. Also, I learned not to give up even if it’s hard and sometimes it feels overwhelming or that the pressure is too great “(a student involved in simulated enterprise in activity evaluation questionnaire).

60 FSPAC students graduated the simulated enterprises program. They set up six virtual companies they have turned into mini-successful business with profit both in terms of financial results and in terms of skills and abilities developed.

The project “Vocational counseling, internships and simulated enterprise: an extra chance in finding a job for students following specializations in public administration, communication, public relations and advertising” is implemented by Faculty of Political, Administration and Communication Sciences in partnership with Danis Foundation, during May 2014-October 2015. The Foundation is involved in the project in with organizing internships for students, as well as providing entrepreneurship education for students through the simulated enterprises created within the faculty.

The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013, Priority 2 “Linking lifelong learning and labor market”, Key Area of ​​Intervention 2.1 “Transition from school to work.”

More information can be found on the project website: http://apubb.ro/cpspis/.

For detailed information about other programs financed by the European Union, please visit www.fonduri-ue.ro.

* This report does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union or the Romanian Government.

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