Representatives of youth organizations, NGOs, high schools, universities and consultancy companies from Cluj-Napoca joined the Skill IT for Youth multiplier event organized in Romania by Fundatia Danis, on the 27th of January 2020. The organizations were introduced to the main outcomes and outputs of the Skill IT for Youth project and they discussed ways of exploitation of the innovative tools aimed at enhancing the digital youth work in Romania and abroad.
The main objectives and the activities of the event were:
to present the Skill IT for Youth project and its aims, activities, partners, funders and the main results;
to introduce the Skill IT for Youth Research on young people, youth workers and youth organizations’ needs in regards to digital skills and digital work;
to explore ways of exploitation and dissemination of the Skill IT for Youth Competence Framework for Digital Youth Work Practice, Skill IT for Youth Training Toolkit for Digital Youth Work and the Skill IT for Youth Organization Guide for Senior Managers & Leaders to Embed Digital Technology into Their Organisations;
to propose and present the national and European policy briefs to enhance youth organizations’ capacity for more digital youth work;
to promote the Skill IT for Youth online platform that provides free access to all the resources developed within the project;
to collect feedback from the participants of the event on the Skill IT for Youth tools and research findings;
to develop common plans for using the project’s outputs within the participants’ organizations and the wider context.
The 15 participants, representatives of Fundatia Danis’ stakeholders – youth organizations, NGOs, high schools, universities and consultancy companies, learned about all the new tools that are available to them and to other organizations interested in enhancing their capacity for more and better digital work. The attendees were particularly interested in the research results, but also in using the Skill IT for Youth training toolkit and the organization guide for embedding digital technology into their organizations and services. The participants received all the information about the content of these resources, and discussed how these resources could be further used by their organizations, other NGOs, but also universities, high schools or consultancy companies.
Fundatia Danis also shared with the youth organizations leaders the main ideas resulting from the Skill IT for Youth Research, which were used in the development of a public policy brief for digitalizing the youth sector and enhancing its role in the delivery of the future and digital skills for young people. The participants agreed with the ideas proposed in the policy brief, which focus on providing professional and organizational development programs for NGOs, in order to increase their capacity for more digital youth work, and on raising awareness of the role that NGOs could play in preparing the young people to use digital technology in a positive and creative way, including towards employability.
Finally, the participants gave their feedback for the project’s results being impressed by the effort and the outcomes, and shared their ideas on how they plan to use these tools in their own organizations and in their work with youth workers, educators and young people.