The 4th project meeting of #CoOp project was held in Athens, Greece, between 6-9 December, 2018. The Greek partner of the project Asset Tec (Greece) hosted participants representing partner organizations Youth Work Ireland (Ireland), Fundacja Robinson Crusoe (Poland), Fundatia Danis (Romania) and Norsensus Mediaforum (Norway).
At the core of the project meeting was planning the CoOp Training Course on CSR and Fundraising that will take place in Greece, in February 2019. The structure of the training course and schedule were decided by the partners, and also the logistics and final details were agreed. The partners also visited the training place, to make sure it fits best the needs of the activity and of the youth workers and NGOs staff that will participate in the training.
During the project meeting, the partners also got the chance to revise the progress made so far with the ongoing intellectual outputs work, more precisely the CoOp Training Toolkit, the CoOp Ready Tools for Fundraising, CoOp Best Practice Guide, CoOp Policy Briefs and CoOp Vlog – all aimed to enhance youth organizations’ capacity to cooperate with SMEs from their community.