Blending Tradition with Hospitality: How Ecaterina ‘s Agrotourism Dream Took Shape with Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Blending Tradition with Hospitality: How Ecaterina ‘s Agrotourism Dream Took Shape with Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs

Ecaterina Alavatchi, a Moldovan entrepreneur dreams of blending traditional arts with hospitality. In July 2023, she registered her rural guesthouse 100 kilometers from Chisinau, aiming to offer a unique combination of accommodation and creative activities inspired by Moldovan culture. Known for her excuisite egg paintings and as a member of the Moldovan Folk Craftsmen, Ecaterina seeks funding and practical experience to launch her venture.

She learned about the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs (EYE) program through a Facebook post by the EU Delegation in Moldova. Seeing it as an opportunity, she joined to learn about customer service, event management, and sustainable tourism.

Christos Tsanos, an experienced entrepreneur from Cyprus, knows that entrepreneurship takes commitment and hard work. He joined EYE as a mentor to guide and inspire new entrepreneurs, believing in the importance of inspiration and discipline. Through his mentorship, Christos aimed to help young talents like Ecaterina reach their full potential.

From June to September 2024, Ecaterina worked alongside Christos, immersing herself in the world of hospitality management. Together, they evaluated hotel operations, discussed customer service improvements, and explored ways to integrate eco-friendly solutions into daily routines. This experience provided Ecaterina with firsthand insights into managing a successful guesthouse while prioritizing sustainability.

Ecaterina’s involvement in various hotel departments, including the Front Office, equipped her with essential skills in guest relations and operational efficiency. Handling guest interactions and coordinating special requests allowed her to contribute to a seamless guest experience.  Throughout the process, Christos provided ongoing feedback and mentorship, guiding Ecaterina in understanding the importance of operational efficiency and creating a welcoming atmosphere, which aligns with her vision for her future agrotourism business.

Through the three-month Erasmus exchange, Ecaterina gained essential skills in hospitality management, guest relations, and sustainable tourism practices. The exposure to an international customer base opened her eyes to new markets and emphasized the importance of tailoring experiences for a global audience. She established meaningful connections with international tourists, crucial for expanding her business beyond Moldova. The exchange also provided insights into resource management and funding applications, helping her plan future projects more effectively.

For Christos, the experience underscored the potential for future partnerships and cross-border collaborations, including cultural exchange programs between Moldova and Cyprus.

„The EYE programme transformed my business approach. It gave me crucial insights into hospitality and funding, and connected me with key professionals. I’m now better prepared to manage resources and expand my business into new markets.” Ecaterina Alavatchi, New Entrepreneur, Pensiunea AIEVEA

,,Hosting Ecaterina has been a rewarding experience. It was great to exchange ideas and share insights on business operations. This collaboration helped us gain fresh perspectives while contributing to the development of a young entrepreneur business.” Christos Tsanos, Host Entrepreneur, GTSANOS GROUP LTD

As Ecaterina prepares to launch her agrotourism business, she carries with her the knowledge, skills, and connections gained through the EYE program. Her partnership with Christos not only enriched her professional journey but also laid the groundwork for future collaborations in the hospitality industry, fostering a spirit of shared growth and innovation.

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